
If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind. 兩人同騎一馬,必有一人在後。

If we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him. 如果我們決定寬恕一個敵人,但決不能相信他。

If we cannot get what we like, we have to like what we can get. 隨遇而安。

If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 智者幹傻事,愚蠢到極點。

If wishes were horses, beggars might ride. 願望不等於事實。

If you agree to carry the calf, they'll make you carry the cow. 得寸進尺。

If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you. 運氣太好,得意忘形;運氣太壞,無人理會。

If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 如果不健康而能強強壯壯,那麼無美德也可快快樂樂。

If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 不能打仗,切莫出兵。

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have. 如果你不能有最好的,你就充分利用你現有的吧。

    創作者 親德青少年班 的頭像


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