It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 開設店舖易,維持常開難。
It is easy to prophesy after the event. 事後諸葛亮,預言頂便當。
It is good fishing in troubled waters. 混水之中好摸魚。
It is good to be merry at meal. 席間心情愉快是為上策。
It is good to have friends in trouble. 在患難時得到朋友是幸運的。
It is good to learn at another man's cost. 前車之覆,後車之鑒。
It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well. 養女容易嫁女難。
It is hard to please all parties. 取悅各方,談何容易。
It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country. 對朋友不義,不可能對國家效忠。
It is more blessed to give than to receive. 施恩比受惠更有福。