Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信是成功的首要秘訣。

Serve somebody with the same sauce. 以其人之道還治其人之身。

Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil. 小人得意,忘乎所以。

Set a thief to catch a thief. 以毒攻毒。

Shallow streams make most din. 修養不深,高談闊論。

Sharp stomachs make short graces. 餓的肚子顧不到體面。

Short accounts make long friends. 帳算清,交情深。

Short acquaintance brings repentance. 淺交生後悔。

Short is my date, but deathless my renown. 年壽短暫,聲譽永存。

Show me a liar, and I'll show you a thief. 謊言是做賊的第一步。


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