751. She feared staying alone in the farmhouse. 她害怕一個人留在農舍裏。
752. She guided the tourists around the castle.她引導旅遊者參觀了這座城堡。
753. She runs everyday in order to lose weight.她每天都跑步是為了減肥。
754. She sang perfectly in the hall last night.她昨晚在大廳唱得非常好。
755. Somebody is always complaining to others.有人總是向別人抱怨。
756. They don't often have a bad day this year.他們今年的運氣還不錯。
757. We regard the matter as nothing important. 我們認為這件事情不重要。
758. We'll take our holiday sometime in August. 我們將在八月份的某個時候休假。
759. Could you direct me to the station, please?請問到車站怎麼走?
760. Have you cleared your luggage with customs ?你的行李通關了嗎?

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