Words & Idioms


To twist someone's arm
To charge someone an arm and a leg

今天我們要講的兩個習慣用語是由 arm,也就是手臂和leg,也就是腿這兩個字組成的。我們要介紹的第一個辭彙是:To twist someone's arm。Twist是擰,用力扭轉的意思。一個人要是給別人把手臂擰到身後去那是很難受的。To twist someone's arm這個習慣用語的意思也正是如此,它是指給某人施加壓力,迫使他做你要他做的事。下面這個例子是一個學生說的話:

例句-1: "I didn't want see that movie about Mozart, but my roomate twisted my arm. I'm glad he did -- it was a great show."



例句-2:"My son has been twisting my arm to let him take my car out on a date ever since he got his driver's license. This weekend, I finally let him take it. And now it's in the body shop for a thousand dallars of repairs: he had an accident on the way to pick up his girlfriend."


下面我們要講的一個俗語裏既有 arm 也有 leg:To charge someone an arm and a leg。Charge就是要多少價錢的意思。任何東西要你付出一隻手臂,還加上一條腿恐怕要價也太高了一點,很不值得。很明顯,to charge someone an arm and a leg的意思就是要價太高。下面這句話就是一個例子:

例句-3: "Don't go to that fancy new restaurant. The food isn't very good and they charge you an arm and a leg for it!"



例句-4: "Say, if you need a dentist, you might want to try my brother. He's fresh out of dental school and trying to set up a practice. But he does good work, and he won't charge you an arm and a leg for it like most other dentists."


第一個是 to twist someone's arm,那是強迫某人做你要他做的事。
第二個是 to charge someone an arm and a leg,這是指要價太高。


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