Words & Idioms Lesson 91
to throw a curve
to throw for a loop
美國人在打棒球時經常喜歡發曲線球,使球的方向會發生突變,這樣給對方造成錯覺,不能回擊那個球。這和其他球類運動,如排球、乒乓球或網球,在發球時發轉求的作用也很相似。逐漸地,這種讓對方產生錯覺,因而無法應付的球藝變成了日常用語:to throw a curve。
Curve就是曲線的意思。To throw a curve就是在打棒球時發曲線球。但是作為俗語,它的意思是給別人造成錯覺,讓他難以應付。請聽一個剛剛考完歷史的學生在埋怨他的教授:
例句-1: "Professor Green certainly threw us a curve today. Half the questions were from parts of the book he told us to read but he never covered them in class. Of course, most of us didn't bother to read the stuff, so we really got caught."
To throw a curve還可以解釋為“欺騙”。下面就是一個例子:
例句-2: "My supervisor threw me a curve when he told me he would recommend me for the promotion. He didn't tell me he was also recommending three other people for the same job. So I didn't get it."
今天我們要講的第二個俗語是:to throw for a loop。Loop是圓圈的意思。To throw for a loop是指“感到非常震驚”或者是“情緒很波動”。下面的例子是一個男朋友使得他的女朋友非常不高興。這個女孩子說:
例句-3: "Bill told me he couldn't take me out last night because he had to study for a big exam. So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class. (* No Soundfile)
例句-4: "When I saw my semester grade for the chemistry course, it really threw me for a loop! I was sure I'd get at least a "B"--but there it was in black and white: a "D". So I barely managed to pass."
我們今天講了兩個俗語,它們是:to throw a curve和to throw for a loop。To throw a curve是指讓人沒有防備、無法應付;to throw for a loop是指大吃一驚。