Truth needs no colour; beauty, no pencil. 真理不些要色彩,美麗不需塗飾。
Truth, once crushed, will rise again. 真理是打不倒的。
Truth's best ornament is nakedness. 不加裝飾是真理的最好的裝飾。
Truth will conquer. 真理必勝。
Truth will prevail. 真理必勝。
Truth will stand without a prop. 真理能樹,不靠支持。
Try (your friend) before you trust him. 朋友要經考驗,才能取得信任。
Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. 話到嘴邊留三分。
Two blacks do not make a white.兩個烏黑不等於一個清白。
Two cats and a mouse, two wives in one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree in one. 兩貓伴一鼠,兩妻居一屋,兩狗肯一骨,萬難同相處。