Better are small fish than an empty dish. 有勝於無。

Better be alone than in bad company. 交損友不如無友。

Better be out of the world than out of fashion. 不合潮流不如脫離塵世。

Better be poor than wicked. 寧可做窮人,不要做壞人。

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 寧為犬首,不作獅尾。

Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 寧為驢頭,不為馬尾。

Better deny at once than promise long. 輕諾必寡信。

Better die with honour than live with shame. 與其忍辱偷生,不如光榮而死。

better early than late. 寧早勿遲。

Better eye sore than all blind. 眼痛總比瞎眼好。


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