Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 要說就索性說得一清二楚,說出前每句話要字斟句酌。

Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. 講話不思考猶如射擊不對準目標。

Speak less and listen more. 要少說多聽。

Speak little of your ill luck and boast not of your good luck. 少說失意事,莫誇好運道。

Speak of angels and you will hear their wings. 說到曹操,曹操就到。

Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing. 要讚美朋友,莫提及敵人。

Speech is silver (or silvern), silence is golden. 雄辯是銀,沈默是金。

Speech is the picture of the mind. 言為心聲。

Speech shows what a man is. 言如其人。

Speed is the soldier's asset. 兵貴神速。


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