621. We can't go out because of the rain. 我們不能出去因為下雨了。
622. We should make good use of our time. 我們應該充分利用我們的時間。
623. We should save unnecessary expenses.我們應節省不必要的開支。
624. You may have heard of Birth Control.你們也許聽說過控制人口出生的措施。
625. After a pause he continued his story.停頓一下之後他繼續說他的。
626. As you know, I am a very kind person. 你知道,我是個很和善的人。
627. He dare not tell us his evil conduct.他不敢告訴我們他的惡行。
628. I can express myself in good English. 我可以用很好的英語來表達自己的觀點。
629. I'll furnish my house with furniture. 我要為我的房子置辦傢俱。
630. It seemed as if there was no way out. 看情形似乎沒有出路了。

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