Words & Idioms


The shoe is on the other foot
To work hand in glove  

美國的成語或俗語和其他語言一樣同生活中的各個方面有關。有一些和食品有關,有的來自撲克牌遊戲,還有的和穿著有聯繫。今天我們要講的兩個習慣用語是和鞋子、手套有關係的。首先,我們要介紹的是“The shoe is on the other foot”。

The shoe is on the other foot的意思是:形勢已經完全不同了。下面這個例子就能夠說明the shoe is on the other foot在日常會話中是怎麼用的:

例句-1: "Back in school we made fun of Jones because we thought he spent too much time studying instead of having fun. Now the shoe is on the other foot -- he's made lots of money and the rest of us are just barely making enough to feed our families."


例句-2: "For the last ten years the Tigers have been the worst team in the league: we've finished down at the bottom. But now the shoe is on the other foot: we have all these good young players and we're beating everybody else in the whole league."

現在我們來講一個和手套有關的習慣用語: To work hand in glove
To work hand in glove的意思是密切合作。我們來舉個例子吧:

例句-3: "The local police are working hand in glove with the FBI to find the bank robbers."

Hand in glove這個辭彙也經常用在反面的場合,形容一些人合謀犯罪等。下面就是一個例子:

例句-4: "I read in the paper about this customs officer they arrested at the airport. They caught him working hand in glove with a gang of smugglers to bring diamonds into the country without paying duty."

上面我們講了兩個美國人常用的辭彙。第一個是 the shoe is on the other foot,這是指情況完全不同的意思。另外一個是 to work hand in glove,這是密切合作的意思。


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