Words & Idioms Lesson 74

to throw one's hat in the ring
to go on the stump


美國總統大選一般是在十一月初舉行。可是,競選活動往往早就開始了。在競選的第一個階段,那些認為自己有資格當總統的人經過多方考慮後作出究竟參不參加這次總統競選的決定。美國人經常用一個俗語來指決定參加競選,就是:to throw one's hat in the ring。

To throw one's hat in the ring是指某人決定參加競選。這個說法可能是來自很早以前的一種風俗。那時,有的職業摔交運動員經常到各地去旅行和當地的人才一比高低。如果當地有某個人決定和他比賽的話,那個人就把他的帽子往場裏一扔,表示接受挑戰。當然,這類到處旅行,像中國古時候擺擂臺的那種方式現在很少見了,可是這個俗語卻被普遍用來形容接受挑戰,參加競選。我們來舉一個例子吧:

例句-1: "A former senator from Massachusetts named Paul Tsongas was the first Democrat to throw his hat in the ring for this year's presidential election. "



例句-2: "People at first thought that the Governor of New York would throw his hat in the ring. But he waited and waited and announced at the last minute that he would not run for president."


在競選總統的第二個階段,那些決定參加競選的人開始到各地去參加各州的初選。在美國的俗語中就是:to go on the stump。To go on the stump在這裏的意思是參加競選的人到各處去發表講演,爭取選民的支持。你要是查字典的話,stump這個字的一個意思是:樹墩。樹墩和到處演講這兩者之間在美國是有歷史性聯繫的。在美國剛成立的時候,人們為了開荒種地和建立新的城鎮,砍掉好多樹。競選公職的候選人往往站在樹墩上發表演說。慢慢地,stump這個字就演變到現在的意思,也就是競選者到各處去演說爭取選票。下面我們來舉個例子吧:

例句-3: "The governor is running for reelection, and he's looking hard for votes--he'll go on the stump in the whole state next month and make speeches in over fifty cities and towns."



例句-4: "Usually, candidates fly to different places to make speeches. This year, however, the Democratic candidates Clinton and Gore took a bus to make their stump speeches in order to meet more people at the grassroots level. "


今天我們介紹了兩個和選舉有關的俗語:to throw one's hat in the ring和to go on the stump。To throw one's hat in the ring是指某人決定參加競選。To go on the stump在這裏的意思是參加競選的人到各處去發表講演,爭取選民的支持。


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