Maidens should (or must) be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak. 少女應溫良謙恭,敏於聽而慎於言。
Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. 盡力而為,盡力節約,盡力施捨。
Make haste slowly. 從容趕急。
Make hay while the sun shines. 趁熱打鐵。
Make the best of a bad business (or job or bargain) 身處山窮水盡,力爭柳暗花明。
Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it. 白天當白天,夜晚當夜晚,生活過得好,愉快而多歡。
Make your enemy your friend. 要化敵為友。
Make yourself necessary to someone. 使你有益於人。
Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. 只有人,生下時啼哭,活著時抱怨,去世時失望。
Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 人之大敵,自己而已。