911. The nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room.護士在手術室協助醫生動手術。
912. What I do on my own time is nobody else's business.我在自己的時間裏幹什麼根本不關別人的事。
913. What I want to do is different from those of others.我想做的與別人不同。
914. You forget to write down the date of your departure.您忘了寫離店日期了。
915. “I wish I'd known about that rule earlier", she said.“我要是早點知道這個規矩就好了!”她說。
916. Could you tell me your secret for a long, happy life?你能告訴我長時間地過著快樂的生活的秘訣嗎?
917. He holds a position of great responsibility upon him.他擔任著一個責任重大的職務。
918. It is said he has secret love affairs with two women!據說他背地裏和兩個女人有關係!
919. Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they?13路車跑得更勤,是不是?
920. They are only too delighted to accept the invitation.他們非常樂意接受邀請。

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